====== Profile ====== I am **Associate Professor** of Computer Science [Professore Associato nel SSD INF/01 INFORMATICA] at the [[http://computerscience.unicam.it|Computer Science Division]] of the [[http://sst.unicam.it|School of Science and Technology]] at the [[http://www.unicam.it|University of Camerino]], Italy. [From 1st November 2019] Previously, I was Assistant Professor of Computer Science [Ricercatore Universitario nel SSD INF/01 INFORMATICA] at the same place from 1st June 2011 to 31st October 2019. On 05/12/2017 I took the [[http://abilitazione.miur.it/public/index.php?lang=eng|Italian National Scientific Qualification]] as Associate Professor in scientific sectors INF/01 - INFORMATICA (Computer Science, Informatics) and ING-INF/05 - SISTEMI DI ELABORAZIONE DELLE INFORMAZIONI (Computer Science, Engineering). ====== Contacts ====== **Office**: Polo Informatico "Carla Lodovici", via Madonna Delle Carceri 9, 62032 Camerino (MC), Italy **University Email** \\ **Personal Email** **Office Phone** +39 0737 402572\\ **Skype** luca.tesei\\ **Webex** [[https://unicam.webex.com/meet/luca.tesei|Luca Tesei's virtual room]] **Web Page** [[start|This site]]\\ **Unicam Institutional Web Page** [[https://docenti.unicam.it/pdett.aspx?ids=N&tv=d&UteId=572&ru=PA|Here]]\\ **LinkedIn** [[http://it.linkedin.com/in/lucatesei|Here]]\\ **Facebook** [[https://www.facebook.com/luca.tesei|Here]]